Saturday 9 January 2010

People are funny

Not funny ha ha...

I think it's funny that I am willing to bare my innermost stuff (probably not all my innermost stuff) to the whole world, but I don't want any of my friends or colleagues or relatives or co-workers to know what's going on.

Not that they aren't figuring it out anyway.

I've been careful here to make sure that nothing of the blogger information identifies me and I think I'm going to more or less keep it that way. Though, of course, anyone who knows me even more than a little will recognise a lot of this, enough to identify me.

But something, I suppose, has to be said about who I am.

I am, more or less, a professional writer. That is, I write things on various topics and email them to a place in North America and the people who work in that place give me money. Doing something for money is what "professional" means. It doesn't mean I'm good at it. Every now and then, I've written things that I think are really good. I was just reading one today, in fact. But it is still hard for me to think of myself as a successful writer. Or really as a successful anything.

I sort of stumbled into what I do when I was looking for a real job. After a while, I figured I would just keep doing it, since it paid the bills and allowed me to live nearly anywhere. Now I do, in fact, live anywhere and it has actually just contributed more to my perpetual feeling of disconnectedness. So it seems absurd to me to describe myself as a writer. It sounds so important and high falutin when the reality of it seems a lot more squalid and silly. Words on the internet. What a laugh.

I am also a Christian, but not a very good one. I really do believe that everything the Catholic Church teaches is true, without exception. But being a "believer" I have noticed, does not make one "devout," no matter what the media thinks. I might write quite a lot about this later.

I am white, a woman, over 40 but under 50. I was born in Canada and have lived in nearly every part of it over the years. My relatives live all over the place but most of the ones I know about live in the US and Britain. I have lived in Britain as well.

I live in Europe now and recently fell in love, most unexpectedly, with a younger man. Even more recently, he gave me the boot, which was the trigger for my current interesting situation.

I wear glasses.

I have a cat.

(There, if that isn't enough to give all my friends the clues, I don't know what is.)

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